

Spider II模型

Artec 3D科技扫描制作
Euro coin

Euro coin • Spider II

A highly precise 3D model of the Luxembourgish 2 euro coin scanned with Artec Spider II. This 3D replica showcases the tiny coin’s outer edge, its rim, front and back surfaces, inscriptions, marks, and denomination with every delicate nuance.
Quarter dollar

Quarter dollar • Spider II

A true-to-form 3D model of an American quarter dollar, capturing the rim and both sides of the coin with its varied inscriptions, images, and digits. Scanned in 3 minutes in Artec Spider II to reveal every tiny aspect in high resolution.
Water pump

水泵 • Spider II

Spider II精准捕获水泵部件的细节,尖锐线条、凹孔、棘手角度以及复杂几何都能轻松应对。

游戏手柄 • Spider II

Artec Spider II性能卓越,呈现的高分辨率3D模型线条清晰、界限分明。所捕获的孔洞、边缘数据精准、细节丰富,令人惊叹。
Gray sneaker

灰色运动鞋 • Spider II

设计细节、锐线、棘手表面跃然眼前,更别提那亮丽色彩与重叠的鞋带,皆一一呈现在运动鞋3D模型中,Artec Spider II的优越性能不言而喻。