


2024年 12月 27日
阅读时间 1 分钟


What 3D scanning brings into 3D printing workflows
Ultra-precise 3D models of real-world objects, saving you time on manual modeling and inspection
What to consider when choosing a 3D scanner
Accuracy, speed, resolution, portability, ease of use, versatility, color capture, software, support
What can be 3D scanned and 3D printed
Mechanical parts, machinery, vehicles, craft, buildings, furniture, interior elements, museum exhibits, fossils, jewelry, dental items, statues, people, animals






  • 快速数据捕获。有些物体可以在一分钟内完成扫描。
  • 成本效益。避免代价高昂的错误和昂贵的人工费。
  • 操作简单。即便是一位新手也能使用大部分3D扫描仪。
  • 实体3D模型带有逼真纹理和炫动色彩。
  • 高度便携。无论您的应用出现在哪里,都能制作出高品质3D扫描。




当然,挑选合适的3D设备时,价格不是唯一的考量标准。您的选择取决于您3D扫描的对象。例如,如果需要精确到微米,需捕获例如珠宝、种植牙等小型物体,高精度3D扫描解决方案才是最佳选择,例如桌面式Artec Micro 3D扫描仪或便携式Artec Space Spider。选择专门用来完成小型物件和精密几何等精确3D捕获的设备,您就能获得高度准确的可打印3D模型。

如果您需要对中型物体进行3D扫描,例如家具、汽车或机械部件,用于质量保证、逆向工程等应用场景,您可以考虑手持式3D扫描仪,如创新款无线式Artec Leo,搭载内置触摸屏和电池。使用便携式3D扫描仪捕获数据非常方便,无论项目在哪,都能轻松携带,在附近没有电源的情况下,依然实现数小时不间断扫描。

但是,使用手持式3D设备完成楼房、飞机、卡车、风力涡轮机等大型物体的扫描就非常耗时耗力了。使用专业激光雷达解决方案(光探测和测距)可以让您的整个工艺流更为高效。这些远距高精度3D扫描仪,例如Artec Ray,专门用于海量数据的捕获,可用于检测、建筑、测量领域,实现大型物体的细致扫描。


同时不要忘记,软件和硬件一样重要。强大的3D数据处理软件拥有诸多工具和算法,使3D建模更快更轻松。例如,Artec Studio 14配备基于PBR的反光移除功能,可自动移除3D模型中的反光,无需再花几个小时在其他3D建模软件中修复色彩,即可直接打印。对3D建模和彩色3D打印而言,绝对是一项无比方便的功能!



3D printing dental implants, jewelry, and small industrial parts with intricate geometry

Artec Micro II

When every micron counts, and you need to capture the tiniest items, such as jewelry, dental implants, or other very small objects, your best bet is a meticulous metrology-grade 3D solution, such as the desktop Artec Micro II or the portable Artec Spider II. Micro II yields 5-micron accuracy for full-color 3D models of small industrial parts or dental items, integrating photogrammetry for next-level realism. In turn, the newest ultra-high-resolution handheld Spider II easily captures complex objects, sharp edges, and fine lines – with an impressive level of detail. In addition to these capabilities, the scanner boasts a wide field of view, ensuring that larger parts are reconstructed in 3D with the same remarkable level of detail. With these two, you opt for devices that are specifically designed to 3D scan minute items and intricate geometries in great detail, giving you highly accurate, print-ready 3D models.

3D printing objects with complex surfaces

If you need a 3D model of a difficult-to-capture black or shiny surface or one that has multiple intricate elements, consider Artec Point. It’s a great choice for 3D printing projects because it provides ultra-precise point cloud data, which is crucial for creating detailed 3D models with fidelity. Artec Point captures even the finest details with spot-on accuracy of up to 0.02 mm, making it perfect for applications that require capturing objects with high repeatability, such as reverse engineering or product design. You get clean, reliable data, which can be quickly processed and converted into print-ready models, resulting in parts both high-quality and true to the original design.

3D printing small to medium-sized objects, from prosthetic devices to museum exhibits

Artec Eva is a fantastic choice for creating 3D models of body parts, sculptures, interior elements, medium-sized mechanical components, and more. Eva’s ability to capture full-color data and handle various surface types results in sharp, textured scans, perfect for 3D printing. Plus, the scanner is super adaptable for diverse applications, simplifying the workflow whenever you need a high-quality 3D model.

3D printing medium-sized to large objects, from furniture to cars to machinery parts

Catesby Projects

If you need to 3D scan medium-sized objects for applications such as quality assurance or reverse engineering, consider taking a closer look at AI-driven wireless Artec Leo, which features an inbuilt touchscreen and battery. Using portable 3D scanners to capture data is handy because they can easily be transported wherever your project takes you, ensuring hours of continuous scanning, without having a power source nearby.

3D printing colorful objects

Another important factor that makes Leo, Eva, and Spider II truly stand out is their color capture capabilities. If you need to 3D print in color, the quality of the 3D scanner’s color capture can be almost as important as its ability to reproduce the precise shape and details of the object you are scanning. High-quality color can save you tons of editing time and eliminate the need to purchase additional 3D modeling software to make color adjustments. Artec’s line of 3D scanners accurately capture both the texture and the geometry of an object, producing a 3D model that can be sent straight to a color printer.

Chichibu Shrine

3D printing massive objects, from buildings to vehicles to crafts

Scanning large objects such as buildings, statues, airplanes, trucks, or wind turbines with some handheld 3D devices can be quite time-consuming and even tiring. Capturing them with professional LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) solutions will make your workflow that much more efficient. These long-range 3D scanners with high accuracy, such as Artec Ray II, are specifically designed to capture large amounts of data for inspection, construction, surveying, and 3D printing, as they deliver extremely detailed scans of large objects.

Artec Ray II

The final chord: 3D software to make it right

Keep in mind that software is just as essential as hardware. The industry-leading Artec Studio software is upgraded every year to accelerate workflows across different industries, equipping users with disruptive tools for 3D data processing, editing, modeling, analysis, and more. Whether you’re using data from a 3D scanner, a smartphone, a drone, or even a microscope, the latest version of Artec Studio allows you to create true-to-life, lightweight models ready for printing. Its next-gen AI Photogrammetry enables you to turn images or videos into 3D models, making data integration from virtually any device possible. Once your model has been created, you can modify and polish the surfaces and convert it into CAD-ready data. Artec Studio saves you hours of manual color correction, too, letting you send models straight to print, which makes it a go-to solution for 3D modeling and full-color 3D printing.

Key point

In 3D printing, software is as essential as hardware. Tools like Artec Studio, Geomagic Design X, and ZEISS INSPECT Optical 3D enhance workflows, becoming central to achieving high-quality 3D printing results.

Two more examples of software that could be an essential aid in 3D printing projects are Geomagic Design X and ZEISS INSPECT Optical 3D. Design X is indispensable when it comes to converting 3D scan data into precise CAD models thanks to its ability to turn complex, freeform objects into ready-to-print designs. The software’s advanced reverse engineering tools transform 3D-scanned data into parametric CAD models, keeping intricate geometries accurately replicated for 3D printing. Design X integrates with other leading CAD software for smooth transitions between scanning, design, and manufacturing, with high-quality production guaranteed from start to finish.

Zeiss Inspect

Image source: https://www.zeiss.com

The ZEISS INSPECT Optical 3D software, in turn, plays a vital role in ensuring 3D scan accuracy and quality. Its optical measurement technology provides outstanding precision, so you can get detailed scans of parts with minimal distortion. This level of accuracy is critical for 3D printing projects demanding tight tolerances and extra-quality results. The ZEISS software boasts robust analysis tools for deeper inspection and quality control of 3D models before printing so that only ultra-accurate data gets to the production stage.

If you have any questions about capturing objects for 3D printing and/or choosing the right 3D scanner for your application, reach out to Artec support.


Varvara Koneva





从定制假肢到极致合身的服装,从 3D 打印模型到逼真的游戏角色,人体三维扫描仪在各个行业中迅速得到人们的关注。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨人体采集的主要挑战、不同类型的扫描仪,以及这项技术如何推动医疗、体育、服装、CGI 等领域的创新。

